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A tall handwritten font utilizing OpenType features for a more true-to-life handwritten appearance


This font is free for both personal and commercial use. Donate if you wanna!

Free download at


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It’s my handwriting

Oh what fun! “Turkeyface” is my precious’ handwriting. According to some handwriting analysis quiz I found, it would appear that I’m just terrible. Nevermind! Download ho!

OpenType goodies

As with all of my handwritten fonts, “Turkeyface” comes with OpenType features to make it appear more like true-to-life handwriting. With contextual alternatives turned on, the second letter in a double letter string (i.e. “aa“) is replaced automatically by a slightly-different version of the same letter.

OpenType features are accessible in most design-related applications as well as many unrelated applications. You can read my article on how to use OpenType features in Microsoft Word here:

  • Vanessa Church

    Lee, you’re the man! Thanks for the usage of your fonts. When I make some money I’m gonna hire you to for the

    website basic set up! The info on how to use your fonts with WORD was most helpful and user friendly. Have a great day!

    • lee

      Yessss! I’m happy

  • jay

    Love the little illustration / doodle on the left ! Great work !