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5th Grade Cursive

A basic cursive font for all your basic cursive font needs

5th Grade Cursive was my first font. I made it during Christmas break in college out of a need for a font that faithfully reproduced the cursive I learned in elementary school.

  • Rax

    Love the font. Just downloaded it.

  • Bethany Wilton

    I’m creating a play ad for school. They will be hung up around the school and a couple places near the area. Just to clarify, would I be allowed to use the font for this purpose?

    • Leeviathan

      Yes indeed

  • Genevieve Kathleen

    I am a fiber artist and I would love to use this for a piece i am working on, is that ok? – unspun genevieve

    • Leeviathan

      Absolutely, good luck!