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Websites Archives » Leeviathan


Recently I undertook the redesigning of with the goal of bringing the site out of the 90’s while making it easy as pie to update for non web developers. Launch site is an e-commerce site using Wordpress. It has tons of handmade crafts by local seamstress Marie Marquis.

I just made a portfolio site for Miss Ashley Kate, a talented and prolific jewelry maker. You view it here now yes


Using the popular “Masonry” jQuery plugin, I created a responsive portfolio layout for illustrator Roger Lemelin.

Center for Curriculum Redesign Website

Introducing the website for the Center for Curriculum Redesign, built on the back of the trusty WordPress Twentyeleven theme. The Center for Curriculum Redesign is an organization dedicated to the improvement of school curriculum for the modern world. While I was never the kid to bemoan the uselessness of school curricula, at this point I […]

Tinkerpix is my take on an online photo retouching service.