Broken/Krokul Draenei concept sketch 4
pencil sketch then colored in with iphone’s highlighter tool
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pencil sketch then colored in with iphone’s highlighter tool
To Serve Kum’isha: “Simply amazing. I had doubted that anyone could find another sphere, yet here it is, pulsating in my hands. Well done, (name)! ! Should you find anymore–and I believe this to be an impossibility–return them to me and I shall reward you again.” This is a concept sketch of the NPC Kum’isha, […]
Concept art of a Broken/Krokul Draenei female from World of Warcraft. Pencil sketch colored using iphone’s markup tools
Concept art for a Broken/Krokul Draenei female from World of Warcraft. Pencil sketch colored using iphone’s markup tools. I lost power a while ago and started drawing fan art of my own mod, then instead of using my $3000 drawing pad I took pictures of my pencil sketches and colored them on my iphone using […]
Experimenting with sharpie mustaches. Painted a picture at the time, here it is. You can really feel the influence of the the sharpie mustache.