Choose your own adventure
Welcome traveler, to my portfolio and project reservoir. I’m Lee, and I do a whole bunch of designy things, so have a gander at the categories below:

Who doesn’t like a good font? I’ve literally made several cents this month on fonts, because people just love a good font. Watch as I brave the 1990 font-creation software to make lovely handwritten fonts for friends and web spiders.
Photo retouching is what I do to unwind after a hard day at the kitchen eating cottage cheese. I’m really good at both. In fact I’ve even run an online photo retouching service, although it’s retired now. Oh well.
Making websites is something I started doing in middle school. Back then it was Geocities and lists of random phrases: Rip a delicate fiddle / Consider a bungy? Now it’s all WordPress and shiny buttons and textured backgrounds and madness.
In this category, the term “artwork” will be thrown around a little too casually, but it’s the only way I can think to describe this category of 2D-hand-creations. I do think doodlings are an important art form, more important than lighthouse paintings.